EmpowHering Black Girls and Children in Youth-Serving Agencies: Insights from Dawn L. Brown

In a recent podcast interview, Dawn L. Brown, CEO and President of Empower Institute, shared valuable insights for youth-serving agencies that work with Black girls and children. Her expertise highlights four crucial lessons that can be implemented to empower and uplift the communities they serve. These lessons include embracing leadership diversity, reflecting the community, involving the population served in decision-making, and using mindful language that empowers and uplifts.

Dawn L. Brown's insights underscore the importance of inclusivity within youth-serving agencies for black girls and children. Here are some additional considerations:

  • Recognize and acknowledge the unique experiences and challenges that black girls and children face. By doing so, youth-serving agencies can better tailor their programs and services to meet the specific needs of these communities.

  • Involve Black girls and children in decision-making processes to empower them and ensure that the agency's initiatives align with their needs and desires. This can be achieved by soliciting feedback and insight from these communities through surveys, focus groups, and other forms of engagement.

  • Mindful language is critical when communicating with Black girls and children. Words have a significant impact on how we perceive ourselves and our abilities. Using language that is asset-based, empowers, and uplifts rather than degrades or stigmatizes can help foster a positive self-image and boost self-esteem.

  • Foster a culture of diversity and inclusion within the agency's leadership team. Actively seek out and recruit individuals from diverse backgrounds to hold leadership positions, ensuring that decisions are made with a broad range of perspectives in mind, promoting inclusivity and equity.


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